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Basic Nutrition

Almost any physical activity can qualify as exercise. One need not necessarily join a gym to reap the benefits of exercise. Simple lifestyle changes such as choosing to walk around campus rather than taking the bus can make a difference. For instance, an average college student burns about 50 calories walking from North Campus Dining Hall to McKeldin Library. With that in mind, one can really get a good amount of exercise by simply walking to and from their classes.

The three general areas of fitness are cardiovascular exercise, strength, and flexibility. A good exercise regimen includes aspects of each. A good exercise program is also consistent, which means that one should exercise regularly. The US department of Agriculture’s recommendation for exercise is 30 minutes of moderate-to vigorous physical activity on most days per week. Of course, for good health exercise should be balanced with a healthy diet. For more information on a healthy diet, visit our Nutrition Basics section.

UMD Gemstone Program, Team Fanatic, University of Maryland
College Park, MD 20742 Email: FeedTheTurtle@gmail.com