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Exercise & Fitness

  Cardiovascular Exercise

Cardiovascular exerice is any exercise that elevates your heart rate. This type of exercise can burn calories and improve the health of your heart. The USDA recommends 30 minutes of mild to moderate cardiovascular exercise on most days of the week. It is not necessary to join a gym or pay a personal trainer in order to get an adequate amount of cardivascular exercise. Simply walking to an from your classes, using the stairs instead of the elevator or parking your car farther away when you go shopping can increase the amount of cardiovascular exercise that you get each week. If you do not currently engage in regular cardiovascular activity such as running, cycling or swimming, please consult a physician before beginning a program. For more information on starting a cardiovascular exercise program, read this fact sheet.

UMD Gemstone Program, Team Fanatic, University of Maryland
College Park, MD 20742 Email: FeedTheTurtle@gmail.com