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Ask The Dietitian

Why do I need calcium and in what foods is it found?

Calcium is essential for strong bones and teeth and for other important bodily functions such as muscle contractions. Adequate calcium intake early in life helps to prevent the bone disease, osteoporosis, in which the bones become brittle and break easily. Calcium can be found in many foods however it is most abundant and best absorbed from dairy products such as milk, yogurt and cheese. Other sources of calcium include tofu (if prepared with calcium salts, leafy greens and dried beans. Adults need 1,000 to 1,200 milligrams of calcium per day, about the amount in three servings of dairy products. For more information on calcium, read “Calcium & Milk” from the Harvard School of Public Health.

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UMD Gemstone Program, Team Fanatic, University of Maryland
College Park, MD 20742 Email: FeedTheTurtle@gmail.com