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Ask The Dietitian

How many times per week should I exercise?

There are many different opinions about how often one should exercise. For general improvement in health including lowering blood pressure, improving blood cholesterol and decreasing blood glucose levels, the recommendation of 30 minutes of moderate exercise on most days of the week is probably a good one. However, if you are looking to greatly improve your fitness level, lose weight or maintain a significant weight loss, this may not be enough. For these purposes, most authorities recommend 60 minutes of moderate to strenuous activity on most days of the week. Of course, if you do not exercise regularly you should consult your doctor before beginning and exercise program and you should also increases the length and intensity of your exercise slowly as you become more fit. For more information on exercise, visit the fitness section of the Feed the Turtle website.

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UMD Gemstone Program, Team Fanatic, University of Maryland
College Park, MD 20742 Email: FeedTheTurtle@gmail.com