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Basic Nutrition

In order to eat a healthy diet, you must understand some basics of nutrition such as how many servings various foods to eat each day. This section will provide you with important information that will help you to eat a balanced and healthy diet.

To find out what exactly you should be eating and how much of it, visit our Food Guide Pyramid section. It provides you with ideas about different types of food that are healthy and gives you exact quantities of how to balance out your diet each day. The Portions vs. Servings section gives you a great idea of what the quantities defined in the food pyramid are. Because let’s face it- not many people have a clue as to what 2 cups look like. But people do know what a tennis ball looks like and this section explains serving sizes in ways we would all understand. The Weight Maintenance section is a must-see for every college student, especially freshmen who want to avoid the dreaded freshman 15.

UMD Gemstone Program, Team Fanatic, University of Maryland
College Park, MD 20742 Email: FeedTheTurtle@gmail.com