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Exercise & Fitness

  Building Strength

Benefits Muscle Basics
Fundamentals of Weight Training

Muscles can be built through general exercise but weight lifting is the most efficient way to build muscles. This is because one can fatigue each muscle through specific targeted exercises. One can “overload” each muscle group within minutes and that is how the muscles grow. For more on the basics of weight training, read Strength Training 101 from the American Council on Exercise.
An intensive weight lifting program should involve 3 sessions per week, approximately 45 minutes to 1 hour per session. However, do not be discouraged. Any amount of weight lifting can improve muscle tone and strength so you can do the amount that you can reasonably fit into your life.
There are three concept to remember when engaging in any weight training regimen, resistance (link), repetition (link) and rest (link). These form the foundation of any workout regimen.

Exercises for Specific Muscles
Injury Prevention
Strength Training Myths

UMD Gemstone Program, Team Fanatic, University of Maryland
College Park, MD 20742 Email: FeedTheTurtle@gmail.com