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Exercise & Fitness


Stretching Basics

When is the best time to stretch?
Research indicates that the best time to stretch is after 10-20 minutes of warm up (light cardio or weight lifting). Other good times to stretch include in between strength training sets or at the end of your workout. Stretching at the very beginning of a workout before any warm up can lead to muscle pulls, cramps, or more serious injuries.
What are the different types of stretches?
There are actually four types of stretching, but only three are recommended methods of stretching.
  1. Static
    • This type is characterized by slow elongation of muscle, holding in stretched state for period of time, then return muscle to resting length.
  2. Proprioceptive Neuromuscular Facilitation (PNF)
    • alternating activation in a shortened muscle with passive elongation of the muscle
    • contract-relax, hold-relax, slow reversal-hold-relax
  3. Dynamic
    • Slow, cyclical elongating, holding, and shortening of a muscle.
    • Three successive 5 second periods of (1) elongation, (2) static stretch, and (3) shortening
  4. Ballistic
    • Although some texts describe ballistic stretching protocols that involve repetitive "bouncing" motions, wherein tendons are rapidly stretched and immediately relaxed, there is no evidence or rationale that justifies the approach
What is the best way to stretch?
  1. Always stretch after you warm up since stretching with cold muscles can cause injury. Warm up with 5-10 minutes of cardio.
  2. Don't bounce! Hold the desired position until you feel a gentle pull on your muscle. It shouldn't hurt and bouncing could cause you to tear something fragile and vital!
  3. Try to hold each stretch for 15-30 seconds to get some long-term flexibility benefits.
  4. Stretching between sets when you're weight training can make that second (or third) set a little bit easier!
  5. Aside from stretching after your warm up, you should also stretch after your workout. Feels good, doesn't it?

Stretches for Various Muscles
Recommended Stretching Regimen

UMD Gemstone Program, Team Fanatic, University of Maryland
College Park, MD 20742 Email: FeedTheTurtle@gmail.com