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Exercise & Fitness

  Building Strength

Benefits Muscle Basics
Fundamentals of Weight Training
Exercises for Specific Muscles
Injury Prevention

You should always consult your doctor before beginning any exercise program. Strength training is a potentially dangerous activity and proper technique and safe equipment is critical. If you do sustain an injury while exercising, you should stop the exercise and take care of the injury. If you continue to train while you are injured, you risk serious complications. Here are some tips to make sure you are training safely:
  • Know and use the proper technique
  • Use a spotter if lifting very heavy weights or if inexperienced
  • Get at least one day of rest between strength training workouts
  • Keep yourself hydrated with water or Gatorade
  • Wear proper clothing
  • Warm-up and stretch before lifting weights
  • Stretch after lifting weights (visit our flexibility section for more information on stretching)

Strength Training Myths

UMD Gemstone Program, Team Fanatic, University of Maryland
College Park, MD 20742 Email: FeedTheTurtle@gmail.com